Online Colleges That Pay You to Attend
Online colleges that pay you to attend exist both offline and online. There are dominantly virtually organized academic process with the use of gadget like a laptop, or a smart phone as means of communication and update concerning the whole academic process. Here the certificate can be earned through the use of these gadgets. The initiation of this education style has really made things easy. We are beyond the days where people must sit every day in the class with their teacher to teach them. Most accredited institutions have also signed up to this form of teaching and most student has leveraged this opportunity
Anyone is advised to do this number three. To be qualified for this. You owe yourself the responsibility of surfing the internet to look for opportunities
The exciting news is that some online colleges reverts the process of student paying them but they pay people to attend college.
Online Colleges Vs Conventional Schools
1. Location: A conventional school is located at a site where learners go to by means of transportation to learn. An online college has no physical location, teachers and students get connected through an online link, software application or web site where students sign up to learn.
2.Communication: Learning activities like teachings, assignments, test examinations are conducted physically. However, online colleges connects through sounds and pictures. Assignments and other project work are submitted as documents (docs), pdf, png email and other online formats.
3.Uniforms: An online college does not require a uniform or an identifier, hence a conventional school does.
4.Cost: Most conventional colleges seems to be unaffordable, conversely an online college may be as good as free.
What Makes Online Colleges Unique
Flexibity: Online colleges offers the goodness of learning when comfortable. Unlike conventional schools where a time-table is strictly followed even when it interferes with one convenience. The flexibility and convenience of online colleges allows student to get ready for their classes at convenient time thereby allowing any learning process that takes place to be absorbed within the mind and brain, since as a result, the body chemistry and psyche is well balanced and without anxiety, hence giving you the time to do juggle business and school for the working class or juggle maternal care was calling for Nursing Mothers. Most people have the plan of chasing a dream career or course, but they feel that they might not have the time for it or the feel it might be bulky for them to comprehend. The flexibility provided by online colleges makes it easy.
Academic confidentiality: Are you the kind of studentstuckwith lot of questions but so shy to uttera word in class, lest you get mocked? With the idea of an online college, you have this feeling of confidentiality between you and your teachers, you can ask those questions you wouldn’t have had asked in class in a class of 20. Also, your test and exam scores a sent directly to you without pasting it on a publicnotice board like it is done in conventional schools. Yeah, nobody calls you a dummy in an online college. minimal costs.
Reduced cost: In conventional colleges, students pay tuition fee and also pay for the expenses like transportation to the school, feeding and other dues, but it’s not so for online colleges. Most online colleges offer support and assistance to students who cannot afford it. Example because Coursera.
How to Access Free Tuition
- Application:In order to access online colleges that pay you to go to school, you need to apply first. Your reason for this decision must be good enough to respond to mostly students who display reasonable reasons.
Example:Afinancial need is being responded to. And most online colleges also accept students based on who applied first.
- Scholarship and Grant: Students are qualified through scholarship. Generally, it does not require money to do so.
- Interested student owe their self an obligation to research. You could surf the internet to check where the grass is greener
List of Tuition Free Colleges
• Cornell University
• Ludwig-Maximilians-UniversitätMünchen, Germany.
• Duke University
• Humboldt-Universitätzu Berlin, Germany.
• University of Oslo, Norway.
• Aalto University, Finland.
• RWTH Aachen University, Germany.
• University of Bergen, Norway.
• Arizona State University
• University of The People
• University of Helsinki, Finland.
Online Schools That Offers Free Courses
1. Coursera
2. HardvardX
3. OpenUniversity
4. FutureLearn
5. Youtube EDU
6. Alison
7. Udemy and a lot more.
Education has been made cheap, easy and accessible, so excuses of financial incapability is archaic reason no to go to school. Most digital skills are even taught online by these platform for free. So choose one and enjoy the process